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Dejan Šmid s.p

Flat Hats Band

Flat hats je trio, ki izvaja pretežno swing glasbo. Za lažjo promocijo skupine sem zasnoval celostno podobo ter zasnovo plakatov in objav na družabnih omrežjih. Oblikoval sem tudi prvi album.

V logotipu sem kombiniral vintage tipografijo z ilustracijo kap. Vsak član skupine je dobil svoj logo, kar smo upodobili tudi na plakatu.

“Flat hats” is a trio, which performs mainly swing music. I was involved in the promotion of the group. I made the logo, poster and promotional materials for social networks.

The logo combines vintage typography with design of caps – flat hats. Each member of the band got its own logo – as shown in the stylised illustration on the poster.

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