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Dejan Šmid s.p

Swingtones Official website

Swingtones je zasedba glasbenikov, ki izvaja predvsem glasbo za ples. Njihov glasbeni razpon se razteza od Charlston in Swing glasbe do Rock’n Roll-a in Rockabilly-ja. Repertoar obsega tako avtorske skladbe kot moderne priredbe swing standardov.

Za skupino sem sestavil preprosto spletno stran, ki temelji na odprtokodnem WordPress-u, zato jo je enostavno urejati in vzdrževati. Glavni poudarek je na naslovnem videu in jasno strukturiranem podajanju osnovnih informacij.

The band The SwingTones is a group of guys eager to play and dance. The genre that they play stretches from Charleston to Swing and continues all the way to Rock´n´Roll and Rockabilly. Their repertoire includes authorial music pieces as evergreen and modern swing covers.
I created a simple one page website for the band. Its based on open source CMS platform, so it is easy to edit and update. Main features of the website are full width background video and easy to access information structure.

Visit website
Video plays automatically in background
Contacts & Bio
Band members presentation with social links
Responsive layout